Friday, August 31, 2007

Review: Canon EOS 40D

Canon EOS 40D
Originally uploaded by Edgedale
After waiting for few minutes in order for me to test out the 40D, the first impression of this new camera was feel good with holding it with your palm. It's viewfinder do look alittle bite larger, in fact it is very subtle change in size. It's shutter sound is alittle quieter then the 20D and 30D. The only different between EOS 40D and EOS 1D MkIII will be it's Live View which allow auto focus, just like the Powershot and Ixus series.

It's UI Menu do look the same. From a Canon user like myself, when I hold and shoot it, all the buttoms are located almost same as my EOS 30D with few buttoms addon, like it's AF buttom which make it look rather 1 series wannabe.

I really enjoy playing with EOS 40D and it do worth a upgrade for any amature shooter should you really want to jump into dSLR, I will strongly recommend the EOS 40D over the EOS 400D which is a little bit price difference.

Go get it now! The next shipment will be end next month.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you used a MKIII or even an MkIIn - there is much more that is different that live view - I own a 1D MkIIn and 40D and am about to upgrade to a MkIII and trust the 40D is good but it doesn't even come close to the 1D MkIIn let alone the MkIII